
Hosea: Moral Struggle and the Prophets
Series: 2021 - Summer Series, Moral Struggle and the ProphetsWednesdays @ Eastside Live Bible Study, 7:00 PM EST
2021 Summer Series: Moral Struggle and the Prophets
The lessons will draw from the Prophets so we can understand and navigate the moral challenges of any age.
May 26, Hosea, Dan Petty
June 2, Joel, Byron Nash
June 9, Amos, Jon Page
June 16, Obadiah, Philip Williams
June 23, Jonah, Jared Saltz
June 30, Micah, Doy Moyer
July 7, Nahum, Jeff McCrary
July 14, Habakkuk, Shane Scott
July 21, Zephaniah, Blake Edwards
July 28, Haggai, Tim Smelser
August 4, Zechariah, Steve Wolfgang
August 11, Malachi, Phillip Shumake
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